Friday, August 7, 2009

Interested in different formats?

If you are an avid Magic player like i am then you know that always playing the same way can getting a little old. As such, we seek to spice it up a bit by messing around with the rules. This results in the formation of new formats for playing the game. Some commonly known formats are Two-Headed Giant, Elder Dragon Highlander, and Chaos. I personally enjoy Two-Headed and Chaos on many occassions. But have you ever heard of Sudden Death? Or Frontier Magic? Maybe you've heard of Respawn Magic. No? If you haven't then you need to get with the program (only if you haven't heard of respawn. It's understandable not to have heard Frontier or sudden death.). Lets take a look at two of these formats, in particular, Sudden Death and Respawn Magic.

Sudden Death is more fast paced then an average game. Helps to make the game more exciting and unstable. Lets look at the rules then:
1. Each player starts the game with a 5 card hand and 10 life.
2. For your draw step, you draw 3 cards instead of 1.
3. Mana Drop- You are allowed to play any amount of lands on your turn.

Sounds fun, right?
The whole mana drop thing allows you to get things out incredibly fast so that you can start hitting your opponent as soon as possible and watch your deck go off like a firecracker if its based on a combo. Since you are playing more than 1 land a turn, the 3 card draw is necessary to refuel you so you can keep on doing what the deck was intended to do.

Next is Respawn Magic. Obviously intended for multiplayer.
1.You can join in to the game at any time with any deck.
2.If you've been eliminated, then you can rejoin the game instantly or later with the same deck or a different one.
3.When you join or rejoin, then you immediately take 3 turns. In these 3 turns, you are in a "new player bubble" where nothing you do can affect the game outside the bubble or other bubbles. Likewise, the game outside your bubble cannot affect you or your field. After your 3rd turn in the bubble, you are back into the regular game.

When I first heard about this, I was so excited to try it out with my friends. Big Success!

Now for the Frontier Magic format... Rules are to numerous for me to even care to try posting. So if you want to learn more about it then you will have to look it up. Let me tell you that it is well worth the effort!

Now go forth and and play MAGIC!!!!
I also recommend trying a respawn chaos match. Loads of fun!


The new episode 9 of Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya finally breaks the time loop arc that has been recurring in the past 7-8 episodes. Now we can hopefully expect some good old fashioned Haruhi antics in the episodes to come.